Getting Started

Liquid Open API Platform provides a collection of APIs to help you build scalable and simple integration for a wide range of use cases on mobile applications.

We are excited to see what kind of customer payment journey you can create with Liquid APIs.

Let’s get started!

Step 1: Request for account

Please contact Liquid team at to request an integration account for developing your application with our APIs.

Step 2: Receive account details

Upon confirmed by the Liquid team, Liquid will send you an email with necessary information to access the sandbox environment

Step 3: Build your first application

The sandbox provides you with the environment to test your application with Liquid APIs. You are all set to go! Authenticate your request when using the API by including your API key in the HTTP request under header name (Liquid-Api-Key)

Learn more about our APIs

Access Liquid Open API Platform Documentation to get up and running quickly.

Encountered any problem?

Get in touch with the Liquid team at, we are here to help you!